MONETIZATION: a thought leader driven business bump
the Medium is the Message
big idea Only you have the power to eliminate your chronic pain, utilizing the principles of neuro-science.
background With a 15yr old successful practice in Brooklyn, Dr. Ofir Isaac felt the pinch of insurance reimbursement cuts, saw the limits of local scale and smelled the financially lean future typical to a single proprietor owned physical therapy enterprise.
goal find new sources of revenue to increase cash flow, prioritizing new patient numbers in both his Brooklyn and Miami locations.
insights 1] analytics reveal YT with highest attribution value [and for competitors as well], 2] sciatica sufferers are the most ready to take action, 3] western medicine discounts value of holistic approach to recovery, especially an approach that suggests ‘it’s all in your mind.’
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1] Develop Dr. Ofir Isaac as an authority in the ‘DIY neuroscience-based pain elimination space’: a. produce multiple video series targeting: chronic pain sufferers, athlete chronic pain sufferers, boxing community, and prioritize YouTube as an engagement hub, b. promote him as a contributing editor to the invitation-only Men’s Health Fitness Council, c. publish a book d. develop a TedTalk, e. grow contact list via Facebook digital ads offering branded DLC, workshops or newsletter, 2] Launch TeleHealth Based Practice Division: one location to start, 3] Develop Branded Consumer Product Line and Pain Elimination App: for brain training that optimizes neuro-corrective system resets, 4] Offline Marketing Events: Branded Mobile Clinic and DIY Pain Elimination Workshops in facilities.
MONETIZATION: nonprofit/thera-tainment platform
Manifesting a Lucrative Social Movement
big idea inter-generational relationships can promote 21C Well-Being, as much as physical or mental health goals.
problem statement How might we monetize WiseTribe and remain authentic to its core vision?
background J. Botting was not only devastated by her father’s unexpected passing, but bereft by the thought of missing out on all the things she wanted to ask him about life. Launching a Facebook page with her organization’s name and mission, she quickly discovered the concept had resonance receiving just over 400 Likes in 2 months with inquiries and story shares pouring in.
goals 1] Working or partnering with sustainability-innovation focused others 2] financial sustainability 3] providing real value through new insights-connections and original content 4] growth through membership, subscribers, followers 5] influencer-celebrity endorsement.
insights 72% of current followers are 20-26 years old.
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1] Resource, Services and Advocacy Model 21C AARP, requiring annual fee, partnering exclusively with sustainable [social-enviro] brands, and including a Community Service Club nationwide network plus congressional lobbyist advocacy 2] Big Brand Sponsored Model: Multi-Gen Think Tank/Focus Group, Multi-Gen Music Online Platform/Festival Events 3] DIY Online Edutainment Series [model: Lean In] 3] Partnership Model/ offline think tank/podcast/event producer. 4] Local Business Sponsored Pop Up Events in vacant real estate. 5] Brand Merch Sales
MONETIZATION: nonprofit/employing people with differences
Break Out Products/Break Through Production
big idea mainstream conscious capitalism
background Launched in 2014, EST is community building inspired teahouse employing young adults with intellectual and developmental differences in Great Barrington, MA..
problem statement how might we…drive discovery and increased revenue for our social enterprise through consumer demand of our delicious tea-infused, gluten-free products?
insights 1] local community loves our products with $50K in sales for 2019, 2] Greyston Bakery, a similar nonprofit, produces 7 million pounds of brownies for Unilever’s Ben and Jerry ice cream plus sells their brownies at Whole Foods. 3] for profit partner, TiestaTea currently contracted with: Costco, Target, Safeway.
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This project is in process.