CONSUMER Segment Thinking
Market Research/Focus Group
CLARIFYING the emerging consumer
big idea Life’s good when…
problem statement how might we…better define our core customer toward developing a positioning platform to engage, sustain and innovate on —long term?
insights 1] 88% of the next 1b people to enter the middle class globally will be Asians, 2] increased segment divergence: choose premium vs. value or develop more than one brand to cater to both, 3] green is the new black regarding virtually all segments, with health and environment trending, 4] customization and co-creation win the day for the 15-35yr segment.
medium focus group to catalyze deeper/refined insights, by developing 3 unique positionings brought to life through creative ideation/visual stimuli that deliver on ‘Life’s Good’, along with underlying pillars for each to flesh out differentiated frameworks responsive to the research presented.
role design thinking workshop co-lead for defining platforms, creative director, editorial input | CBX Worldwide
LG management conducted 3 in person focus groups, approximately 7 participants in each, and one online survey polling 50 participants. From the findings, based on the 3 creative presentations, corporate chose to proceed with ‘My life. My phone.’
CONSUMER Product Thinking
Private Label
From private label to private equity
big idea New York living made easy.
background family run since 1960, by 2007 DR had become a private equity owned regional convenience and drug store chain financially underwater plus plagued by low customer satisfaction, its undifferentiated brand synonymous with clutter and crowding.
goal strengthen customer relationship-building positioning: ‘New York’s drugstore’ through store design, private label product lines and loyalty program. Reinvent brand portfolio by re-thinking product mix and delivering on messaging to draw consumers into store: #uniquelyNewYork, #value.
insights 1] convenience plus better than > compete with average deli providing higher quality/great value household, snacks and meal solution basics. 2] beauty > don’t compete on price, compete with ‘unique’ to drive traffic, differentiate from competitors and steal from dept/ specialty stores. 3] health > showcase pharmacy as service and convenience focused. 4] private label as a marketing tool, not just margin enhancer.
medium private label strategy, brand architecture, packaging design across multiple SKUs [2,000+ ], shopper circular.
role retail strategy and merchandising design consultant | CBX Worldwide
Partnering to holistically reinvigorate their brand with CBX Worldwide in 2009 led to Duane-Reade’s acquisition, in 2010, by Walgreens for $1.1b, all 257 NYC store locations. ‘It would have taken us many years through our own organic growth model to gain this type of presence in New York, and will also give Walgreens a leading position in the largest drugstore market in the U.S.’ - Gregory D. Wasson, Walgreen’s Chief Executive.
CONSUMER Experiential Thinking
Market Research/Viability Study
transforming drugstore candy into a rich LIFESTYLE experience
big idea An everyday, affordable indulgence.
problem statement how might we, Mars, Inc., capitalize on our Dove Promises chocolate product, in a way similar to our success with M&M’s retail stores, but with a different segment craving a unique experience?
insights 1] just as with M&M’s, Dove Promises enjoys an enthusiastic and loyal following, 2] brand equity in ‘affordable indulgence’, ‘smooth’, ‘creamy’, ‘superior chocolate’, 3] consumer confuses with Dove soap, 4] unlike other brands, Mars uses pure cocoa butter, not oil-based substitutes.
medium new Dove Promises branded experience: retail store design concept and extended product lines, including chocolate based customized gifts and culinary products and accessories such as gourmet condiments and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage mixes..
role retail strategy, merchandising design director, ancillary product curation | CBX Worldwide see more
CONSUMER Blue Sky Thinking
Envisioning a Breakout Industry Leader
redefining the business opportunity from the ground up
big idea Ireland’s own energy leader.
background Previously traded under the Statoil and Shell brands, Canadian owner Couche-Tard Group announced in 2005 their retail petroleum chain stores across the island of Ireland would be re-branded as Topaz, along with significant investment made toward their desire to stand for innovation at every stage of the up, mid and downstream supply chain, as well as exploring innovation opportunities around the full arc of the consumer experience.
problem statement how might we…develop the Topaz brand and retail experience as one that redefines high quality service such that it’s placed above its competitors in today’s challenging Irish market?
insights 1] macro-level consumer expectations: convenience = value + speed, good design, health + wellness, corporate responsibility 2] Irish petroleum market inputs: multi-nationals such as Texaco and Esso, along with smaller locally owned entitie 3] white space to become Ireland’s major homegrown, nationwide fuel and energy company.
medium variable brand positioning frameworks and creative ideation to foster formalizing a comprehensive strategic brand positioning, retail experience and environmental design prototype.
target local Irish market and multi-national consumers. culture Topaz stands for thoughtful convenience and visionary industry goals. positioning: It’s the little things that make a big difference.
role retail strategy and customer experience design director | CBX Worldwide see more
Launching the initial CBX Worldwide prototype location in 2010, Topaz Energy Group Limited received 4 competitive awards: ‘Newcomer of the Year,’ ‘Best Oil Company Initiative,’ ‘Best use of Category Management’ and ‘Best Forecourt Facilities’.
Topaz is now Ireland’s largest and leading fuel- convenience brand with a network of 430 locations, opening its latest flagship in Carlow, Ireland on April 12, 2017.